Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011

Multiple Myeloma

Multiple Myeloma: Lately News is multiple myeloma in this page. I liked the mother involved instructor; lawyer, politician and columnist left us today. Geraldine Ferraro died 75 years later today to fight against multiple myeloma for twelve years. As a key figure in the political word that many people knew Geraldine or at least knew who she was. Many people like me, however, have not heard of multiple myeloma. Multiple myeloma is a blood cancer that is incurable. It is a cancer of plasma cells in the marrow. Plasma cells grow out of the hold in the bone and what makes them form tumors in areas of strong bones. When bone tumors grow, it is difficult for the bone marrow to produce red blood cells, white cells and platelets. This anemia Mess reasons and may make people with multiple myeloma more than bowing to infection and abnormal bleeding. When cancer cells develop in bone marrow because they end in the bone and the pain will be too. Multiple myeloma begins when the impact of the bones of the spine can put pressure on the nerves can cause numbness and paralysis. Multiple Myeloma

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