Breaking Bad premieres tonight: There is indeed a link between rape and bad Miami vice, of all things. Physically speaking, the link is Giancarlo Esposito. "I compared (Gus) to show one way back when I was about six or seven - oh, maybe it was only four, I dress a little - episodes of Miami Vice, where I played different characters each time, "said Esposito. Touch the scapegoat, but terrible drug dealer in Breaking Bad Gus, who collected a lot of Emmys and returns to its fourth season on Sunday, July 17, AMC. In 1980, Esposito appeared in Miami Vice a couple of times. However, there is a relationship to the playing technique, too, and has helped inform the representation Gus Esposito." He was an actor out of Don Johnson and Philip Michael Thomas, whom I admired, and it was Eddie (Edward James) Olmos. "Eddie was very little, and it was very compelling. I do not use my normal life, I try to be," said Edwards, a long-term veteran of stage and screen. I played a series of bad guys, and I think audiences like the person that creates tension and conflict in history. And if something of this character is sympathetic, even better.
So I think I have developed with Gus. I also thought it was a bit flat, but he plays very, very few (Lt. Martin Castillo) and I thought it was really effective. "Juxtaposed with Michael and Philip Don, who were sometimes a little full of themselves, but some of them act, Eddie was just doing his job. Gus and I wanted to be that way." Anyone who saw Gus know that Breaking Bad - Full name Gustavo Fring - it's all just doing his job, which seems to be a factory for the production of illicit drugs. The silence allowed looking eloquent. Gus came to the end of the second season of Breaking Bad.
Edwards, who was not particularly interested at first, had no idea it would become the nemesis of Gus more important for Walt (Bryan Cranston) and Jesse (Aaron Paul). When I came on, he was a guest appearance, and I'm the king of guests, if you look back on my career and I do not want to do something more," said Esposito with a laugh. But my agent encouraged me to look at this script carefully, and watch the show. Then, of course, I liked it. I did one (episode), and within a week of pre-first, they called and said: "Want to do a little 'more? It was a good day for fans of Breaking Bad, but not so much for Walt and Jesse. If it were not for the wretched of Miami Vice, might be a minimalist Gus is not as intimidating.Breaking Bad premieres tonight
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