Senin, 09 Mei 2011

Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum: Recently News about Rick Santorum in this article.  Rick Santorum criticized Obama on Monday for their carried on tries in the investigation of CIA agents who were involved in the apple of coercive interrogation techniques or the increment of al-Qaida detainees such Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the planner of 9 / 11 attacks. Have been Steve Malzberg, Santorum extended criticism of President Obama’s handling of the war versus terrorist act, which provided for the GOP presidential debate in South Carolina final week. I think it was a very fine performance at all, “Santorum told Malzberg. I’d say the most significant thing is that, besides that this president is very clear that we have been able to catch Osama bin Laden clearly following a path that leads to enhanced interrogation techniques. Santorum said Obama brushoff near 09.11 Debra Burlingame discussed final week in comparison. During meetings with the parents of Obama final week in New York City, Burlingame asked Obama about the investigation of CIA agents by the Attorney General Eric Holder. Obama turns his back and walked away. Asked by Debra Burlingame presecution stop if so, the hero of openness, of the CIA that these enhanced interrogation techniques that eventually led to the death of Osama bin Laden and, unfortunately, the president didn’t back down, “said Santorum. For him, not to recognize that we have a position in which bin Laden has never had and don’t admit that these techniques “of interrogation were effective as these folks shouldn’t be prosecuted and, in fact, be treated as heroes – which for me is the greatest mistake she’s made since the murder. Santorum Malzberg asked if it suspends the investigation later being elected president. I want the procedure was stopped immediately. In fact, it’s unacceptable, “said Santorum.” The whole process should be stopped immediately. Tax career that saw him said that it wasn’t the prosecution. This is political persecution and political persecution, which would have ended a political solution in the 2012 elections. Rick Santorum

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