Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

Tiki Barber

Tiki Barber: In a boneheaded move to compete with any of his other boneheaded moves, the former Giants star Tiki Barber running back had a alike incredibly unwise hisself and Anne Frank in an interview newest Sports Illustrated. In it he discussed the consequences of its new relationship with Traci Johnson, and moving into a house of representatives, where he said they were hiding out in his attic. "Lep’s Jewish, and it was like a reverse Anne Frank thing," he said. Of course, only the most dedicated of Anne Frank scholars knows that Frank was hiding out from Nazis because she too had dumped her eight-months-pregnant wife for a 23-year-old former NBC intern. Here's the entire excerpt the quote comes from MSNBC sounds bemusedly horrified: "Yowza Not so certain about the smarts, however." The Post calls it "despicable," and credits him with his "gift for saying exactly the wrong thing almost all time he opens his mouth." Deadspin asks the actually tough questions though: "who are the reverse Nazis?" (History buffs know them as the cuddly, fun-loving Sizan army.   Barber and Johnson went into hiding in the attic of Lepselter’s home in New Jersey. “Lep’s Jewish,” says Barber, “and it was like a reverse Anne Frank thing.” (Here is Barber writ small: It has humor and spirit to make an allusion Anne Frank and naive to look like an adulterer himself trying to escape the gossip columnists to a Holocaust victim) Back in March, later the scandal been broken He had lost his job NBC has been isolated from the birth of her baby, and was pursued by the fitness bike chain wheel sport; Barber has declared plans to unretire the NFL. He attributes his new girlfriend with him inspiration to start playing again, Johnson added: "It was hard for him to be any motivation to get dressed and do something productive with his life instead of sitting at home with the puppies.”One wonders if Anne Frank had so many problems getting motivated when she was just sitting in her cap playing with her puppies.

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